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On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the women driving change and making an impact in many professions, from business to the arts to sports. Learn about the positive momentum for investing in women’s sports in this recent RBC article. https://www.rbcwealthmanagement.com/en-us/insights/report-explores-opportunities-for-investors-in-womens-sports?utm_medium=organic-social&utm_source=heresay-social-platform&utm_campaign=research-and-insights&utm_id=102c17d4709379c1935ef1824d979422
Did you know nearly half of primary household earners are women? Women wield incredible economic power and are inclined to use it for good; two-thirds believe they can address social issues through impact investing according to a survey sponsored by RBC Wealth Management.
Want to make sure you're on track financially for the future? Reach out to explore financial empowerment tools available for every age group, including “Money matters for young professionals” https://docs.rbcwealthmanagement.com/us/68599-Wealth-Insights-Young-Professionals-Brochure.pdf